Legal notices

This website is published and put online by Sabam CC, company number/VAT 0402.989.270 RPM Brussels, with registered office at Rue des Deux Eglises 41-43, 1000 Brussels.

Sabam is an organisation for the collective management of copyrights authorised by ministerial decree of 1 September 1995 to carry out the activity of management organisation on Belgian territory (Belgian Official Gazette, 7 October 1995). Sabam is subject to Book XI 'Intellectual Property' of the Code of Economic Law and to the Monitoring department of companies which manage copyrights and neighbouring rights which is part of the Directorate-General Economic Inspection of the Federal Public Service Economy.

Our contact details: 
A. Rue des Deux Eglises, 1000 Brussels
T. +32 2 286 84 84