How is the resale right calculated?

The resale right granted to authors is based on a percentage of the sale price of original works of art (plastic, graphic or photographic), the price of which increases with the number of resales on the art market. It is calculated as follows:

  • 4% of the portion of the sale price up to € 50,000.00
  • 3% of the portion of the sale price between € 50,000.01 and € 200,000.00
  • 1% of the portion of the sale price between € 200,000.01 and € 350,000.00
  • 0.5% of the portion of the sale price between € 350,000.01 and € 500,000.00 
  • 0.25% of the portion of the sale price over € 500,000.01

You can calculate the fee using the resale right calculator.
Please note that the total amount of the resale right may not exceed € 12,500 per work.

It does not apply if:

  • the artist has offered the work to the reseller less than 3 years before the resale;
  • the resale price is no more than € 10,000.