A member of my family has died and was a member of Sabam. What happens to his/her copyrights and royalties?

His/her copyrights will remain valid for 70 years. The associated royalties go either to his/her heirs or to the person(s) he/she designated before his/her death. 

Document naming the heirs
Please provide us with a document naming the heirs, such as a notarial deed drawn up by the notary of the deceased. If no notary has been appointed, please request a certificate of succession from the registration office of the FPS Finance that is competent for the place of residence of the deceased. 

Several heirs? Appoint a representative
If the deceased has several heirs, please appoint a representative. This person will represent all heirs in their contacts with us and must become a member of Sabam. This person receives all royalties and distributes them among the heirs.

Do you have a question? Contact us at affiliation@sabam.be.