When will I receive the performing rights royalties for the use of my works in Belgium?
The Belgian performing rights royalties for year X are paid out in year X+1. This is done in two phases:
  • In June, you will receive an advance payment, in which 80% of the then collected royalties and processed programme data for media are paid out. This distribution is supplemented by the budgets for concerts and general rights (non-media) that have already been processed.
  • The final distribution will take place in October. You will then receive the remaining amount (from which the advance will have been deducted). If we collect any more royalties for you in the year following the year of performance, these amounts will be paid out in the subsequent year.


If you report your concerts with MyPlaylist, the above arrangement does not apply to you. Those concerts are processed quarterly. This means that you can receive a payment for your concerts in Belgium every three months. Please make sure to register your playlists in time. Without this information, we cannot distribute your royalties.

Check out our complete distribution schedule.

If you have a MySabam account, you will be notified by e-mail when we make the payment.

Don’t have an account yet? Request one now via affiliation@sabam.be.